Porn & Violence Go Hand-in-hand
Right here, Right Now
It's just awful. From my very own local Palo Alto Daily News comes a horrifying story. In "Fight Over Porn Spurred Attack", Kristina Peterson reports how local 20-year-old Todd Burpee attacked a 17-year-old girl, bashed her head against the pavement, and then kidnapped and sexually assaulted her.Why? According to Peterson,
Burpee had spent most of the night prior to the assault seething in his car. The following day, as the fight with his fiancee continued, he told police that when he spotted his victim, he thought she was in elementary school.
When asked by police what the victim looked like, Burpee...
Burpee is remorseful. He has confessed and believes he should be punished for his crimes. And at 20, his life is a wreck.
Because of porn?
Draw your own conclusions.
It's just awful. From my very own local Palo Alto Daily News comes a horrifying story. In "Fight Over Porn Spurred Attack", Kristina Peterson reports how local 20-year-old Todd Burpee attacked a 17-year-old girl, bashed her head against the pavement, and then kidnapped and sexually assaulted her.Why? According to Peterson,
Burpee's relationship with his fiancee soured after she discovered a Craigslist personal ad he had been composing on their computer seeking sexual intimacy with older women, titled "desperate housewives," according to police reports. Recently, she had also caught him surfing teenage porn sites, she told police.
A police search of Burpee's car after his arrest turned up six pornographic DVDs, 16 pages of computer printouts of naked men, women and children from a nudist Web site, and three sexually explicit magazines, including one called "Asian Fever."
Burpee had spent most of the night prior to the assault seething in his car. The following day, as the fight with his fiancee continued, he told police that when he spotted his victim, he thought she was in elementary school.
When asked by police what the victim looked like, Burpee...
"...told officers "I seen like an As ..." before stammering "I didn't know she was Asian until I attacked her back here."
Burpee is remorseful. He has confessed and believes he should be punished for his crimes. And at 20, his life is a wreck.
Because of porn?
Draw your own conclusions.
Labels: Internet access, Internet parenting, online safety
Hi John:
I'm wondering if there are any Bluecoat plans to address content filtering for the One Laptop Per Child OLPC ( program? The olpc's will run fedora so the windows k9 solution won't work. It seems that olpc might be a great opportunity for Bluecoat Outreach Program.
Anonymous, at November 30, 2007 1:29 PM
This article raises the interesting question of whether porn has direct ties to violence, or if the perpetrators are predisposed to violent actions and porn is just an activity. While I do believe many porn viewers tend towards womanizing beliefs, I also believe that porn is an easy and accessible way to release sexual tension, which, for a teenager, is a healthy find. Once the Burpee case wraps up, I will be interested to know how much of role pornography played in his assault of the girl, and of his lifestyle. In the meantime, perhaps more evidence and examples posted would flesh out the argument made.
Anonymous, at December 04, 2007 8:17 PM
Thanks for the comment. What prompted me to write the entry was that Todd Burpee lives in a nearby community. I am appalled by all acts of violence, especially sexual predation; to see it happen nearby was a shock.
There are conflicting reports on the role of porn in creating anti-social behavior. One thing is certain, though - pornography is addicting, and like any addictive substance, it can ruin the lives of those who get hooked.
Whether it consistently contributes to violence against women is up for debate, I guess. I recently read a report in SLATE of a study that found lower incidences of violence against women where access to pornography was more readily available.
As I track this topic and try to learn more, I discover that it's a complicated issue, both culturally and scientifically.
John Carosella, at December 05, 2007 12:52 AM
I understand and agree with your reaction completely. I was just as appalled from the fact that he was a graduate of Palo Alto High, and the victim was a student of Gunn. Having relations to Los Altos High School, this attack shook my hope of safety. Usually my children take the bus and walk home. For a couple of days after the attack I was a bit nagging, warning them in ways I'm sure they felt unnecessary.
Anonymous, at December 08, 2007 12:07 PM
Did you quote your reference correctly?
"I recently read a report in SLATE of a study that found lower incidences of violence against women where access to pornography was more readily available."
Studies have shown that the effects of porn accentuate the violence against women, children,and men.
Limiting the focus on a false reality helps us to work and play with a healthy value system.
Anonymous, at January 24, 2008 1:00 PM
how do you block porn on youtube?
Unknown, at February 13, 2008 1:30 PM
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Anonymous, at March 09, 2008 10:54 PM
I have to put my hand up and say that from time to time I look at porn sites. Im glad I found out about K9. My problem is that I am trying ot follow a christian way of life, but I fall to easy. I know the damage that the internet porn sites can do to both kids and big people. I thank God for K9.
Anonymous, at March 27, 2008 9:39 AM
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Unknown, at April 11, 2008 10:57 PM
Hey there... thought you would be interested to check out my blog
it deals with my own experience with soapies and sexual identity formation in teens
Joey, at October 08, 2008 10:01 AM
Hi John;
i wants to give you a millions of thanks for providing a such social software.
i will like to believe that you would go further above to develop and distribute this software in free in the world.
our social behaviour is going to rubbish to rubbish day by day, so we need some good job like you.
i m from bangladesh thanking you to provide such anti violence software.
sabbir, at October 14, 2008 8:16 AM
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PANNELLI, at December 11, 2008 1:01 PM
This is an excellent product and thank you very much for all your effort in providing this to the community. I tried many and either they are just not effective or too complicated to use. This one is tumbs up from me...keep up the excellent work..
Victor lai, at September 12, 2009 11:13 AM
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Anonymous, at October 07, 2009 5:34 AM
yeahh go a head.thanks a lot bos.
wisnu, at November 16, 2009 7:02 AM
This software doesn't do anything because you can't just let your kids be unexposed to the realities of the world. I was exposed to porn in the 7th grade, and I turned out just fine. I'm a successful businessman with a girlfriend and many friends, and I'm charitable towards the community..
Dansmedia, at February 27, 2010 11:06 AM
Great site,this information really helped me , I really appreciate it.Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it.
nice tip
generic propecia, at April 23, 2010 7:26 AM
This isn't only a parental issue, ANYONE can be victimized by the inappropriate way the world displays itself..especially on the internet. This seems to be a prime example of the toxic effects such things have on people's minds. I myself, am not a parent, not even married, I'm a young Christian Preacher, and I've found that simply typing in "music wallpaper" on a particular search engine images section with the safety setting of that search engine on high, still pops up almost pornographic material, I'm sick of it! Thus, I'm hoping this program will help me use the internet WITHOUT having to see absolutely horrid things-have you seen myspace "hook-up with married women" adds? Worse still, I even sent myspace a request asking them to stop showing such advertisements, and show more age-appropriate one's, they simply replied that they need the money from those if they couldn't have replaced those adds with better ones? Jesus loves us all :) I John 1:9
Anonymous, at June 12, 2010 12:38 AM
Porn is everywhere. I do believe that there is no way to stop porn. It will go hand in hand. I do think that this kind of article is very important and all should read it.
watch my gf, at February 10, 2011 8:18 AM
Anybody know how to inform k9 about a weakness I discovered in their filters?
Anonymous, at February 11, 2013 7:58 PM
Great insight - This article raises the interesting question of whether porn has direct ties to violence, or if the perpetrators are predisposed to violent actions and porn is just an activity. Website While I do believe many porn viewers tend towards womanizing beliefs, I also believe that porn is an easy and accessible way to release sexual tension, which, for a teenager, is a healthy find. Once the Burpee case wraps up,
Eric Smith, at January 20, 2014 9:52 AM
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